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Phenomena NDE & other Unique Experiences
Interview by host Kathy Lee Parker Ingrid Honkala PhD, became aware of other life dimensions from her near-death experience at the age of...

Shaman Oaks Channel
This interview has been one of my favorites. It really caught so many powerful and profound teachings. In this interview with Shaman Oaks...

Spiritual Awakenings International
Dr. Yvonne Carson President of Spiritual Awakenings International invited Ingrid Honkala, PhD to present a live talk entitled: "Divine...

Earth To The Other Side
In this interview with with John A. Glasspoole from Earth To The Other Side, Ingrid shared her journey of awakening that stated when she...

Dr. Lotte: Science with Soul
These two interviews with Dr. Lotte were absolutely amazing. Her questions brought Ingrid to share knowledge and experiences with the...

The Jen Weigel Show
"Be Part of The Light" Jen talks with Marine Scientist Dr. Ingrid Honkala – author of “A Brightly Guided Life: How a Scientist Learned to...

Awaken Your Soul Story!
Our world needs more light, more wisdom and more stories to nourish the soul and uplift the spirit. If you are ready to be inspired and...

Grief and Rebirth With Irene Weinberg
In this interview with Irene Weinberg, Ingrid shared about her unique journey of unimaginable challenges, awakenings and miracles where...

Greater Boston IANDS Group
Ingrid was invited by Susan Hebard to present to her NDE group in Boston, her incredible journey that started with her near-death...

Spiritual Awakenings International Conference 2021‬
Conferencia de SAI 2021 - Compartiendo contigo este increible panel en español: Ingrid was been invited by Dr. Yvonne Kason to present as...

Spiritually Inspired‬ With Claudio Murgan
During this insightful conversation with Claudiu Murgan, Ingrid shared her path as a scientist and as a spiritual teacher. She talked...

Inner Peace with Dr. Rees‪e
How a Scientist Learned to Hear Her Inner Wisdom w/ Dr. Ingrid Honkala In episode # 99, Dr. Reese talks with Dr. Ingrid Honkala who at...

What You Didn't Know... With Stephanie Aceglav - Australia
A Brightly Guided Life - Near Death Experience with Ingrid Honkala. In this conversation with Stephanie Aceglav from Australia, Ingrid...

Evidence of the Afterlife
Evidence of the Afterlife Episode #18 Ingrid Honkala Ph.D. Ingrid was invited by best selling author Maverick Vardoger to shared the...

The Conversational Passport with Chelsea Lanham
In this great conversation with host Chelsea Lanham, Ingrid openly discussed her incredible journey of awakening and evolution which...

San Diego, CA IANDS Group
NDEr, world traveler, Scientist and childhood experiencer Ingrid Honkala will share how her inner experiences turned into outer...

IANDS Visiting Authors Book Club Online
Ingrid was invited by Nancy van Alphen to be part of the IANDS Visiting Authors Book Club Online Series. During this gathering Ingrid...

Los Angeles, CA IANDS Group
At the age of nearly 3 in her native Bogota, Colombia, Ingrid Honkala drowned in a tank of cold water. From that time, she was aware of...

Mind The Shift With Anders Bolling - Your persona is just a ripple on a deep ocean – Ingrid Honkala
One of the ambitions of this podcast is to span the border between science and spirituality. Could one have a more apt experience for...

The Matter of the Heart With Carol Olivia
In this interview with Carol Olivia Adams, Ingrid shared about her unique journey of unimaginable challenges, awakenings and miracles...
FromIngrid, Words inspired by the light

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