With Ingrid

Ingrid also has been invited to speak in dozens of interviews for online viewers, TV and radio, and as a feature speaker in some very important National and International Conferences and Summits. She actively supports organizations like Helping Parents Heal, Spiritual Awakenings International, ICLOBY and the International Association for Near-Death Studies.
Please check her media kit for publicity information.

"Ingrid Honkala Ph.D., Excellent speaker with a very important message to share"
At the age of nearly 3 in her native Bogota, Colombia, Ingrid Honkala drowned in a tank of cold water. From that time, she was aware of dimensions of life different than those most people experience, including wise input from “Beings of Light.” You will be blown away to hear how throughout her life this wisdom speaker and author has been guided to wake up and to meet and help many people on their journeys to become aware of a deeper reality and to reconnect with their own inner wisdom.
"Ingrid is a divine force of light and leadership"
You can expect Ingrid Honkala to be your spiritual instructor and cheerleader, creating a space for you to rediscover your truth and heal all that needs to be healed so you may live a life you are worthy of.

What People Say!
"Ingrid was an exceptional, clear, highly prepared speaker. Her story needs to be listened."
​"She is a great human being. The spiritual knowledge she has, is a gift that just a few have. She has the grace to spread it in a really easy and comprehensible way that will lighten your spirit the first time you come in touch, read or hear her."
"Wonderful - passionate speaker; very compelling story, important message: I could listen to her for hours."
"Love to hear her experiences - the profound changes that occur following her NDE validate her stories."
"Simply wonderful! Ingrid shared such depth of detail of her experience. Very helpful to hear the messages she received by 'Angels'."
"So great to hear her experiences - I appreciated so much hearing how things were DURING HER NDE. It gave me a sense of peace not having to FEAR DEATH."
"Revelatory, beautiful, and inspiring testimony. Much wisdom was shared in this workshop. Thank you."
"Beautiful stories and wisdom told from the heart. Her life experiences and messages gave me hope!"
"Amazing - can't wait to find/follow her on Facebook, etc. I want to listen more, learn more."
"Ingrid is a FABULOUS speaker, delightful person, and inspirational life coach. I highly recommend Ingrid Honkala, Ph.D!"
"Wonderful Panel! Very encouraging in bridging the worlds & experience between before & after NDE. WONDERFUL answers from the Universe. Bring Ingrid back to speak please!"

Her most popular speaking topics are:

The Infinite Power of Love and Connection
From my NDE at age two, I became aware of other dimensions of life and was gifted with guidance from Beings of Light. Over time they showed me that we must go beyond our story and revealed to me that the purpose of my NDE was to bring back the message of the importance of connection. True connection can only be achieved through unconditional love. NDEs and STEs are an astonishing way to rediscover our True Nature, which is none other than Unconditional Love. However, many people stay at the level of the experience and don’t have clarity of what to do next. This presentation will go beyond the experience: learn how to realize your full potential and fulfill your dreams without the need of an NDE. If our essence is that of Love, Peace and Joy, then the true question is: What am I doing to disturb it? Learn how our challenges don’t need to turn into sufferings, but into a conscious doorway to awareness, awakening and evolution and learn how Love is the only way to accelerate our spiritual growth. Attaining Loving Awareness is the gift that we are giving to ourselves, and therefore to humanity.
Realize the importance of the power of connection.
Unravel the ‘Who I AM?’ question and become aware of our True Nature.
Understand the purpose behind our challenges, and how changing perception is the key to eradicate all suffering.
Discover the infinite power of Love and realize that we are all connected as One.
Questions and answers.

Trust Your Intuition and Rediscover Your Inner Guidance
When we are connected to higher wisdom and tuning into divine guidance the possibilities are unlimited. Trusting our intuition and following that guidance can literally be a matter of life or death. This workshop will cover real life examples throughout my life of being protected by Beings of Light and the spirits who lived in our house. This protection and the willingness to follow intuition came in many different ways ranging from surviving a drowning at the age of two, hearing guidance such as "run", to physical protection offered by a stray dog, to being given a cloak of invisibility, and the power of invincibility/invulnerability, which saved me and others from severe injury or certain death. This protection was given to me as well as those around me and the stories are astonishing and extreme. In contrast I will also share one the hardships I had to endure when I chose not to listen to guidance. A positive impact from these experiences was leveraging my own lessons to be learned and a complete change in the belief system of the witnesses about the existence and protection offered by the spirit realm, and the rediscovering of their own inner guidance.
Recount astonishing stories of following life-saving divine guidance.
Learn to hear and follow your own intuition.
Learn to reconnect with your inner-guidance by increasing self-awareness and raising your vibrational frequency.
Rediscover your super-power when you become One with Source.
Sharing the stories in an interactive way with the audience.
Offer guidance on how to rewire our subconscious mind and to raise our vibrational frequency.
Share meditation practices to increase our state of awareness.
Questions and answers.